A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

Wednesday 15 May 2019


Who doesn't love a bit of silly comedy?

I know I do. And I've been delighted to be able to introduce my daughter to the absolute joy that is Miranda.

My daughter is 10 so a few of the jokes fly right over her head, but at the vast majority she chuckles and chuckles - it's such a lovely sound.

One of the running gags in Miranda (for those of you who haven't seen it) is the singing of Heather Small's hit 'Proud.'

Miranda and her friend Stevie hold aloft a cardboard cutout of Heather's head and bellow out the lyrics: What have you done today to make you feel proud?

And do you know what, among the prat falls, mild innuendo and knowing winks to camera, it's actually a really important question.

When you have MS, there is a huge list of things you can beat yourself up about: I'm letting my children/partner/family/friends down, I can't do what I used to, I have to rely so much on others, I can't work like I used to, I don't feel like I'm contributing, I don't feel worthwhile, I feel like a failure.

Honestly, it's endless. And it's really damaging. Because that list can become so familiar and so entrenched that we are at risk of believing we are nothing but those negative thoughts.

We are all so much more than a collection of can't dos - we are parents who are trying really hard, we are friends who are emotionally supportive, we are workers who are battling to do a good job, we are children who are caring for our parents, we are people who are just trying to live in the best way we can.

And we do this while dealing with a bloody awful disease. That in itself should be enough to make us feel proud.

But if it isn't, if we need more proof, then perhaps we should consider what we have done today that has made us feel proud.

Had a shower? Proud.
Made that phone call? Proud.
Fed your family? Proud.
Been kind? Proud.
Got through a day with MS knowing you'll have to do the same tomorrow? Proud.

So thank you Miranda - for the chuckles, the clumsiness and helping me find the pride.

:: Proud by Heather Small

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