A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Slow hand

Oh my god. The hands. They are driving me crackers.

They are fumbly and numb and useless.

As a result, I am going to use voice activated text to do the rest of this blog post.

I have found this function very useful on my phone, particularly when trying to text.

It doesn't always get things right and there have been a few amusing typos, but at the moment it's absolutely fantastic.

What it doesn't do - which I find frustrating and slightly judgy - is allow me to swear.

For example if I wanted to drop an f-bomb this is what voice activated text gives me: f******.
Despite me yelling f****** loudly and quite clearly.

Turns out, I am being censored by my phone.

This is not very useful, or very accurate, because most of the time during a relapse it's the f-bombs that are most cathartic.

So until such time as my hands work and I can type in said word, it's going to have to be a forging, fudging or forking experience.

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