A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

A mixtape for multiple sclerosis

Saturday 18 July 2020

Into the great wide open

It was my daughter's last week at primary school this week.

It's been very emotional - not least because she's left in such peculiar times.

Covid has meant no goodbye disco, leavers show or summer fair.

It has also stopped the little rituals of writing on each others' shirts, group photos* and hugs in the playground.

She's absolutely loved her experience at primary and we've had a fair few tears.

As parents we're quite wobbly too and utterly bewildered by how quickly the time has gone and how much she has grown.

Neither of us are really ready for her to move out of the safety and familiarity of primary and into the vast unknown world of secondary.

But life is about change and movement. The chances of standing still are remote - and it's something we all need to learn how to deal with.

Logically as adults we know this, but it doesn't make it any easier (or any less tearful) when primary school comes to an end.

We've got the summer hols to enjoy now and to prepare for the next step and all the differences it will bring.

In a world that has become increasingly unrecognisable, an ability to change and adapt is going to be more important than ever.

:: Into the great wide open by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

*Although we did manage some class bubble shots outside the school gates. All in their Leavers 2020 hoodies. *Blubs unbecomingly*

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