Do you sometimes look back on a period of time and wonder how you had the hours in the day and the energy to get through all the things in it?
If so, you'll understand the slightly shell shocked feeling of having got to the other side.
Even more so if you have a body that insists on fighting you every step of the way.
It's been two weeks of non-stop work, requiring long hours, lengthy meetings, last-minute requests and constant demands.
And in the middle of it all, my friend's funeral. Which was a very touching event.
It has, in short, been exhausting. And one of those times my husband thinks I have an army of myself stashed away to be able to command to deal with all the tasks.
I don't. But I'm pretty sure we all wish we did on occasion - foot soldiers to pick up the slack and captains to make the decisions.
However, all the work got done (some of it in an eye patch due to insane temperatures flaring my existing eye damage) and I'm now on leave for two weeks.
Company, stand at ease.
Footnote for this week's artist - I once won a nightclub competition at university for looking like Bjork. Anyone reading who may know me in real life can judge whether that was a fair assessment, or if the dark of the club and the drunkenness of the crowd may have played into the decision. Either way, I won a pretty dreadful bottle of fizz and then spent quite a few months of being referred to as Bjork around campus. There are far worse comparisons to be had.
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