It’s only nearly here.
a bit festive now, helped by the fact that we’ve just been on a
jolly lovely family outing – a steam train trip with Father
while, as adults, we know that the man in the red suit is actually
someone’s relative with an itchy stick-on beard, it’s still
utterly lovely to get swept up in the palpable excitement of any
nearby young person.
wonder how long we’ve got before our daughter stops believing –
she’s a very logical young lady (unlike her mother) who has started
to question quite a lot of the practicalities of the whole
billions-of-presents-delivered-in-one-night concept.*
time will inevitably come, but for the moment, it’s still this year
and she’s still a firm believer.
in a frankly frightening, confusing and unfair world, a little bit of
belief that people – in red suits or not – can be good and kind
is not a bad thing.
you’re up to this Christmas, whoever you’re with and whatever you
believe, have a peaceful one and see you next year.
how many lies we tell children while drumming into them how important
it is to always tell the truth. I’m not sure how much distrust
and/or damage we cause, but I’m hoping that ageing and common sense
will overcome any feelings of betrayal. Either that, or the Christmas
pud sixpences are going to have to pay for some substantial sessions
on the couch as an adult.